Monday, July 11, 2011


Lately I've been doing a lot of sensing in.  There is a whole universe of experience and information that seems to have its own language and, until it is explored, is mysterious.  There are some people who have highly developed their inner senses, but this is left largely unattended in our society.  It's certainly not taught in school.  Or covered by insurance.  But that's another discussion. (Wink and smile).

What I've been doing is rather simply paying attention to the sensations in and around my body.  Doing this, lightly, I am drawn to places of tension.  If I can feel a place like that without trying to make anything happen, then the sensation changes, my attention might move to another place, and sometimes things occur to me, like emotions, or colors, or even pictures.  

I do have a motive with this: I want to release the held energy in my field, so that I can be more open for love, peace, and appreciation.  

Recently in a group meditation I was doing this process and I very much enjoyed watching the colors that appeared to wash through my body.  Later, I was focusing on a persistent knot in my diaphragm and a series of thoughts that seemed unrelated to the knot led me to think about an event that happened in my family when I was quite young.  When I put the two together, they seemed connected.  I'm not done with that one, because the knot is still there, but I feel that myself as an organism wants this attention and that I can unravel the mystery and release the energy a bit at a time. 

The energies of fear, keeping small, valuing safety over being the fullness of who I am are asking to be released.  It might be a matter of being persistent - more persistent than the habits themselves.  Today with a counselor I felt myself climbing a staircase out of the ground into the light.  Part of me rising up out of that constricted place, and another part of me crouching back to earth, then dissolving into her.  The earth can absorb the past and its limitations.  I would like to see a mighty tree grow out of that.  Or a mighty priestess - we are, after all, made of earth, even as we are animated by spirit.  

I really enjoyed this blog today, as it echoed many of the experiences I've been having recently.  Experiencing and transforming fear, finding boundaries, changing ourselves for the good of the whole.  The blog mentioned using "the violet fire," which is new to me, but when I read it I felt like this is something I want to explore.  A quick search and I find it's a visualization to transform dense energies in meditation.  It feels wonderful! 

For the radiant unfoldment of our beingness, I remind myself and anybody else who wants to ascend, to meditate.  Create alignment, be a vessel for light, and offer as much time as we have to grounding the spirit into this world.  Yes!  Namaste.

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