Saturday, October 22, 2011

Multidimensional dreaming

This is one of my favorite pictures. It looks so lush and exquisitely formed.  This was a plant that was anemically limping along in an under-patio planter for years, surviving on a little splash of water now and then when I remembered to give it.  Then the patio and the planter were demolished, to make way for a dance studio, and I stuck a few of the little clusters of this plant in the ground, not hoping for too much.  But it absolutely loved getting out in the rain and the sun!  It was unleashed.

I feel like that's what can happen to us.  We can get out from under the low roof of our perceived limitations, and we can expand into our true potential.  

Sometimes lately I've been feeling like that. As I weather waves of exhaustion, anxiety, or irritation, to come into the clear, I find that I am more connected with the possible.  I have deeper resources of insight and wisdom.  I can look around and love everything.  It feels fabulous.

This morning I dreamed I met three young men with long silky hair sitting by a road dressed in toga-style wraps and talking about their feet - that they could never wear shoes because their feet were too sensitive. Then I was in a castle and someone was making a sign with their names on it, and I told him that someday that sign would be worth more than the whole castle because those guys were going to be the three musketeers and they would be famous in the future, so famous that the memory of them would not fade.  Then I was taken south and given coffee to taste by some people dressed in big sweater coats, and in this dream, I was the first person in North America to have journeyed south and tasted coffee.  More cool stuff happened in this dream, including remembering a sea journey I took in a ship, but what I noticed is interesting about it is that I traveled through time and space with great ease.  Maybe we're touching on multiple realities in dreams all the time, but my sense is that lately my dreams are illustrating the multidimensional nature of reality.  Not only that, but an expanding awareness of my participation in other realities.  

I'm feeling it other times too.  I keep dipping into myself for healing and insight, and recently during a massage with a gifted healer, I became aware of how I could loosen the way I think in my day to day problem solving mode, how I could relax, open the top of my head, open my third eye, and let the solutions come.  I had this awareness when focusing on my left shoulder.  It felt quite easy.  

Then on the right side of my body, I became aware (again) of a very old fear of persecution, which I've worked on before, but this time there seemed to be less of a veil between myself and this experience.  I wanted to let go of it, of course, but I really came up against a need to be vigilant.  I could forgive, and that helped, but that still didn't let me really say goodbye to my vigilance.  I kept feeling it and loving it and after awhile, the healer said to let it go, and something gave way in my body, and then that tingly energy washed down from the top of my head and through that area.  Sweet.  I don't know if it's really gone forever, but I have the sense that something significantly shifted. The next day I felt sad, and I thought that made sense - the onion layer of fear was off, and that let the next emotion bubble to the surface.  

And now it is today, and I had an amazing dream, and I woke up before the sun and basked in the moon and stars and clouds gradually pinking in the east.  I'm enjoying my yard and the hummingbird sitting in the top of the cherry tree.  I'm going to enjoy a nap today.  It's beautiful and now the sun is breaking through making all the orangey yellowy colors really stand out.  Nothing to be vigilant about at all.